Nursery Sales
Mail Order Sales
Glenn Dale & Back Acres
Holly Springs-Huang
Robin Hill & More
Satsuki Pictures
Robert Stewart
Garden Scenes

We offer a large selection  of 4 inch liners. We have greatly increased the number of available varieties from previous years. The azalea groups available this year are Back Acres, Gartrell (Numbered, not named, and nice),Girard, Glenn Dale, Holly Springs, Huang, Indica, Kurume, Linwood Hardy,Marshy Point, Klimavicz, North Tisbury, Robert Stewart, Robin Hill, and Japanese Satsukis.Japanese satsuki azaleas are frequently used for bonsai.

We are offering these for sale at $4.00 each.If you are a collector or just an enthusiast, you might find something that strikes your fancy.

Our plant listing is below. If the date does not appear to be current please let me know.
870 489 0884

Azalea Hill 12 26 24.pdf


To order,  Send us a list of what you want. Do not send money. We fill all orders in the sequence received.These plants are ready for shipment now. Please provide a good list of alternates just in case your selection is unavailable.

I can be contacted via email at     ronnie.palmer88@yahoo.com

Or Call or text 870 489 0884


Payment can be made by check or money order. Make the check payable to Azalea Hill Gardens & Nursery. Sorry, no credit cards. We are a little old fashioned. After shipment you will be billed for shipping at our cost. There will be no packing charges.

  We have found that the postal service "Flat rate boxes" are an efficient and quick way of shipping plants, The large flat rate box holds 20 plants  and the shipping cost is $22.90.The medium flat rate box holds 14 plants and costs $16.25. If another service is preferred, let us know which one
In the link below, Y01 indicates our tray number. We use the tray numbers to assist in locating plants quickly. The plants are packed in plastic bags. Pots are not included.

It is recommended that you include a list of substitutes.  This list changes with each new order.
The pictures below may be helpful. Always order from the list, not the pictures.
Another source for pictures is the  Azalea Society of America. www.azaleas.org

Glenn Dale .pdf

Holly Springs .pdf

Huang Harris Kurume Linwood.pdf

McDonald Rutherford Schroeder Stewart .pdf